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My First Bath as an RV Dog

On my way to a haircut

I usually get to go to the dog "stylist salon" (I know some call it a pet groomer but that sounds soooo "K-9") at least once each month to get a wonderful bath and a slight styling trim. Today, May 24, 2005 will be my first time since I moved to Howard Prairie Lake Resort to live in a RV fulltime. Dale usually brushes me each day to keep my coat shiny plus clean out the undercoat. Of course I swim in the lake to get the mud off, but a bath and trim make me feel great and I love to show off my new hair style and I smell so pretty too.

I'll be going to a new stylist in Medford (I usually get styled in Grants Pass).

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It's Tuesday so I'm at Dale's office for the day. The new stylist is only about a mile or so from Dale's office so we walk rather than drive the Toyota. We start by walking across the Bear Creek Bridge (above). I love looking at all the water and only wish I could go swimming but it's too muddy and fast flowing today, besides, I'm in a hurry to get my hair styled.

Rebekah is my new stylist. I already like her a lot because she gives good hugs.

Rebekah and me, Rebekah is my stylist
  Dale picks me up from the "hair salon" and thanks Rebekah for the great haircut I spent nearly all day with Rebekah. It took a long time because I wanted much more than my normal styling. I wanted a really short haircut to keep all the twigs and woodsy stuff from getting into my hair. A short haircut will also make it much easier for Dale to brush me and for me to primp when I get up in the morning. Dale really liked how Rebekah fixed my hair and gave her a big thank you. Notice the cute flowers Rebekah put over my ears
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and how really short and clean my haircut is. You can see my pink belly now. I'm think about getting a belly button piercing, I'll have to talk to Gwen about that.

On our walk to and from the hair stylist, we got to walk through the Medford Historic District. That's what the sign says over the streets of Geneva and Minnesota, "Medford Historic District". All the houses in this area are really old, they must have been built in the 1920's. That would make them

Walking through the Medford Historic District
  Look at that lovely grass

595 years old in dog years. The streets were probably cobblestone at one time but now they are concrete with grooves to make them look like cobblestone

You can see that Dale is admiring one of the old homes but I'm looking at the grass. It is wonderful grass and the smell is sooo good, it makes my bowels begin to rumble. Dale gave me a chance early this morning to relieve myself but I didn't take that opportunity and now I'm really starting to get worried about finding the best place. If Dale would


just give me a second, I know I'd feel much better, I'm starting to feel bloated. Whew! We made it to a park with more nice grass. Fortunately Dale was prepared with a plastic bag and I didn't have to be embarrassed.

It was a long ride home anticipating what Gwen would say about my new haircut. I've never had a haircut like this one before. She LOVES it too! We have matching haircuts, short and easy to keep. This has been a wonderful day.

Gwen loves my haircut too
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